That would be me

That would be me

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Something BIG is coming

Every once in a while, I find myself facing a daunting week. THIS is one of those weeks. Between today and next weekend, the following is happening (ready?):

Release of first issue of Actors and Auditioners Newsletter (Saturday – okay, that was this morning but it still counts!)

Audition for Eleemosynary (Sunday night – AFTER all day Tech Rehearsal)

Audition for Big Fat National Commercial (Monday – plus dress rehearsal)

Audition for Big Fat Seattle Theatre (Thursday – plus Preview Performance)

Opening Night of Last 5 Years (Friday)

Annnnnd scene!

Now, for those of you in the "real acting cities" this may look like a normal week, but around these parts this is exciting.

Ironically, my feelings of jealousy and inferiority just yesterday have given way to a "holy crikeys, things is about to get huge!" Now, I am well aware that nothing may come of any of it, that I may fall flat on my face and have to spend the rest of the week nursing my imaginary wounds. But the opposite is just as likely to be true and THAT is where the adrenaline rush comes in.

Every audition is an opportunity. A chance to be seen. A chance to play. A chance to show your stuff.

I am OVER this idea of not being good enough or pretty enough or young enough. All I can do is go in and give it my best shot. Be the most prepared. Be the most professional. What happens on the other side of the table is totally out of my control.

The fact that so many opportunities have been presenting themselves to me lately tells me that great things are on the horizon. I just need to keep my eye on the prize. Need to keep my wits about me and keep up the work.

When things finally blow up, you will be the second to know.



  1. I thought I should post another comment since I had to jump through so many hoops to post the first one.
    You're awesome.
